Wyoming Workforce Planning
The Right People at the Right Place at the Right Time!
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Supervisors - Goals and Objectives Method

Measuring performance using goals and objectives seeks to measure employee performance by examining the extent to which predetermined work goals, special projects and key work duties have been met. Objectives are based off of agency performance measures and subsequent departmental goals.  Objectives and strategies are cascaded down and communicated to employees where job specific goals, special projects and key work duties are established jointly with the supervisor.

Once a goal, special project or key work duty is agreed upon, critical skills sets (i.e. competencies), training programs, conferences, mentors etc., are identified to help employees self-audit; that is, to manage their goals and developed critical competencies needed to achieve the objectives. The EPDS is designed to help facilitate, identify, catalogue and specify employee strengths.  It is also a tool to help promote development in areas of weaknesses.

Although employees "self-audit", the EPDS is a co-managed system where supervisors and employees are expected to monitor goal progress and personal development together.

