Wyoming Workforce Planning
The Right People at the Right Place at the Right Time!
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Employee Performance & Development System (EPDS)

The Employee Performance and Development System (EPDS) is a whole work system that begins when a job is defined as needed and ends when an employee leaves an organization.  Acting as a multi-functional tool the EPDS is designed to aid and assist agencies with the coming "brain drain".  A key role of the new system is to furnish a framework that better illustrates the critical “soft and technical skills” needed in our next generation of State employees.

To some it looks as if the Department of Administration and Information is using the term “Employee Performance and Development” as a substitution for the traditional appraisal system.  While no entity, government or private, will every truly get away from some type of appraisal/review process, we encourage you to think of the EPDS in this broader work system context.  A systems approach that includes the following actions:

Development speaks to the ongoing process of job-related learning and growing in your ability to perform your job at the highest level possible. In addition, development relates to acquiring new skills that will be necessary to be successful when encountering new job related demands or opportunities.

Two separate processes that, when taken together, help you retain your focus throughout the year while also planning for your continued growth and development.