Overall concern for the developmental
level of an individual or group of peers, clients, or
superiors. Takes steps to explain and provide guidance
because it is needed in contrast to training somebody as a
formal responsibility. Sending people to required training
is not included.
Behavioral Descriptions
Proficiency Level 5
Initiates, influences, or creates
developmental opportunities for all or most members of
an entire organization.
Develops and/or mentors senior
leaders within an organization.
Speaks to high-level interagency,
national, or international organizations.
Develops technical expertise, which
is new to a professional field.
Publishes articles on new areas in
professional or technical journals.
Proficiency Level 4
Acquires expertise new to an
organization and disseminates it throughout a major
portion of the organization.
Champions, facilitates, or causes new
learning among members of an entire business function,
division, or large program.
Gives seminars and/or conducts
workshops in advanced area of expertise for professional
groups, inter-agency committees and/or task forces.
Publishes articles on specialized
topics in professional publications.
Proficiency Level 3

Teaches others new methods or
concepts who then teach others.
Recognized as an expert in a
functional area; advises those who advise others.
Provides expert advice and
consultation to higher-level professional, management,
or executive staff.
Champions, facilitates, or causes new
learning among members of several related small groups,
a sub-function, or small program.
Proficiency Level 2

Imparts knowledge to one’s assigned
subordinates, students, customers, or
Coaches, advises, or guides a small
number of team members,
subordinates, customers, or clients.
Teaches classes and/or makes
presentations in one’s area of expertise.
Proficiency Level 1

Answers questions or explains things
in role as expert.
Orients or trains a customer or a
Shows others how to do things.
Suggested Activities for Development

Schedule individual one-on-one time
with subordinates/supervisor to the sole purpose of
development. Focus on coaching and development, what is
accomplished well and what could be done differently to
be more effective.
Arrange to meet and work with people
who are good at coaching and teaching others.
Incorporate their methods in your own teaching style.
Regularly share resources or
information that you have researched or learned about
for the benefit of individual agencies and the
government as a whole.
Ask an employee to attend a meeting
in your place, ask him/her to take notes. Schedule time
afterwards to review the details of the meeting.
Become a mentor.
Provide and participate in mock
feedback sessions.
Teach a course to address training
Identify job assignments that will
increase team members’ or employees’ exposure to
different divisions and management experience. Identify
initiatives in other areas that may provide development
opportunities for others.
Develop a presentation that informs
customers of our products and services
Volunteer to talk to students about
what you do at your local high school or college.
Recommended Courses

Additional Resource

Coaching for Performance: Growing
People, Performance and Purpose by J. Whitmore (Nicholas
Brealey, 2002). This is a definitive guide to mastering
the skills needed to help people unlock their potential
and maximize their performance.
Coaching, Mentoring, and Managing:
Breakthrough Strategies to Solve Performance Problems
and Build Winning Teams by M. Holiday (Career Press,
2001). Offers hundreds of practical, easy to learn
techniques every manager can use to coach employees to
become more productive, positive, inspired and
effective. Shows managers how to tap into the hidden
strength and talents of their employees.
Beyond the Learning Organization:
Creating a Culture of Continuous Growth and Development
Through State-Of-The-Art Human Resource Practices by J.
W. Gilley & A. Maycunich (Perseus Publishing, 2000).
Reveals how state-of-the-art HR practices can create a
culture of continuous growth and development.
The Mentor's Guide: Facilitating
Effective Learning Relationships by L. J. Zachary (Jossey-Bass,
2000). The Mentor's Guide explores the critical process
of mentoring and presents practical tools for
facilitating the experience from beginning to end.
Mentoring is conceptualized as a relationship of adult
Behavioral-Based Interviewing Questions
