Wyoming Workforce Planning
The Right People at the Right Place at the Right Time!
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Change Management


Engages others in order to develop innovative solutions. Introduces new ways of thinking and behaving.  Introduces new tools and technology.  Encourages innovation and implements nontraditional ideas.  Creates and implements new concepts, models, theories, and relationships to address work in new ways; motivates others to seek best practices.

Behavioral Descriptions

Proficiency Level 5
  • Considered a visionary catalyst for change.

  • Changes tradition when needed, by reforming and reorganizing how services are accomplished.

  • Creates new concepts, models, theories and relationships to align with organizational strategies.

Proficiency Level 4
  • Promotes and implements comprehensive and responsible change in a variety of areas.

  • Coaches others in changing traditional ways of thinking.

  • Innovative and explores nontraditional ideas.

  • Challenges the standard or traditional way of doing things by experimenting with new ideas.

Proficiency Level 3
  • Develops and shares best practices to encourage innovation and improve results.

  • Incorporates and uses new technologies and methods to improve productivity and effectiveness.

  • Considers new ways of thinking and performing.

  • Continually seeks improvement and ways to remove obstacles.

  • Communicates organizational changes that are occurring to staff members, explains the purpose of the changes.

  • Actively considers and openly discusses changes or modifications that are proposed by others.

  • Introduces new goals, objectives, and processes to support organizational change and effectively monitors their implementation.

  • Offers employees tools and support to adjust to changes.

  • Acknowledges, explains, and supports change regardless of own preference and priorities.

Proficiency Level 2
  • Waivers on the idea of change.

  • Stalls and takes large amounts of time to gather the necessary information to process the idea for change.

  • Sits on the fence.

  • Identifies and accepts some need and processes for change.

  • Can process some ramifications and rationale for change to those affected by it.

  • Limits discussion of views on the change.


Proficiency Level 1
  • Communicates resistance or fear of change to others.

  • Limits involvement of others in charge; does not seek buy-in, input or ownership.

  • Fails to modify own work practices or hold others accountable to following changes that are adopted by the organization.

  • Inconsistent in support of change effort.

  • Abandons the change effort or presents change as coming from an outside source.

  • Relays change information to staff but not in a consistent manner.

  • Communicates change in a negative manner.

  • Discourages others from taking a new approach to work activities.

Suggested Activities for Development
  • Content under development.

Recommended Courses
Additional Resource
  • Content under development.
Behavioral-Based Interviewing Questions