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How to Develop a Behavioral-Based Interview

Steps 4-6

Step 4.  Create a User-Friendly Rating Guide.

Ratings or scores should be given to each response provided by candidates.  A&I-HRD recommends 9- and 7-point scales, but 5-point scales can also work.  Consider whether or not you wish to include zero as a score; you may wish to reserve zero for instances where no response is provided.  After choosing a scale, split the possible scores into ranges and label the ranges to indicate levels of performance.  Below are potential ranges and labels:

Level of Performance Rating Range
9-point scale:
Exceptional Demonstration of Competency 7 to 9 points
Adequate Demonstration
of Competency
4 to 6 points
Inadequate Demonstration of Competency 1 to 3 points
7-Point Scale:
Well-qualified 6 to 7 points
Qualified 3 to 5 points
Not Qualified 1 to 2 points
5-point scale:
Excellent Response 4 to 5 points
Adequate Response 2 to 3 points
Unacceptable Response 1 point



Use the criteria identified in Step 3 to define the levels of performance and help interviewers assign points.  How you choose to array the criteria will depend on the criteria themselves, along with other factors (such as the clarity of the response) you are considering during the interview.

Following the mediating disputes example, a range of scores may be assigned to each set of behaviors identified as excellent, adequate, and unacceptable:

6 – 7 pts. - Candidate’s response shows extensive aptitude for resolving differences.  Key behaviors demonstrated should include:

3 – 5 pts. - Candidate’s response shows adequate aptitude for resolving differences.  Key behaviors demonstrated should include:

1 – 2 pts. - Candidate’s response shows little aptitude for resolving differences.  Key behaviors demonstrated may include:

This scale allows interviewers to first identify the appropriate range of scores by comparing the response to the behaviors sought.  Within that range of scores, interviewers can pinpoint a particular score for each response based on all factors, such as clarity, completeness, and number of behaviors demonstrated.

As for the managing multiple priorities example, candidates’ responses may be judged based upon how many of the criterions were demonstrated.  The rating guide could also take into account the complexity of the situation presented in the response.  Here is how the multiple priorities rating guide might look using a 9-point scale:

Key Criteria:

7 - 9 pts. - Response covers in detail all of the criteria listed.  The situation described is highly complex, similar to what may be encountered in this position.  Response indicates that the candidate fully understood and considered the issues involved, and that he/she took proactive steps to ensure timely completion of the assignments.

4 - 6 pts. - Response covers at least 3 of the criteria listed, but is less thorough than a 7-9 point response.  The situation described is similar in complexity to what is routinely encountered in this position.  Response indicates that the candidate understood the issues involved, and that he/she handled the situation satisfactorily.

1 - 3 pts. - Response is inadequate or vague, or contains fewer than 3 of the criteria listed.  The situation described is much less complex than what is routinely encountered in this position.  Response indicates that the candidate did not understand the issues involved, or that he/she could have handled the situation more effectively.

This particular rating guide allows interviewers to mark how many of the criterions each response provides, and then use that information to identify the range of scores.  You may find it helpful to leave blank space for additional appropriate ideas brought up by the candidates.

Using these types of detailed rating guides helps interviewers base their scores on the same criteria for all candidates.  The end result is more objective, reliable, and defensible ratings of candidates.

Complete examples of the rating guides for these competencies and others may be found near the end of this web-guide at Examples of Different Styles of Rating Guides.  While the format and appearance are a matter of personal preference, the rating guide must be one that is easy to use and in which the interviewers have confidence.  Be sure to leave space for interviewers to take notes regarding candidates’ responses, and to explain their reasons for assigning particular scores.

Step 5.  Prepare the Interview Panel Members before Interviewing Candidates.

This may seem like an obvious step, but it is possible that panel members might gather at the last minute on the first day of interviews.  However, it is simply not fair to practice on the first few candidates.  A&I-HRD recommends conducting at least one mock interview, preferably two.  The mock interview will provide additional insight into the way candidates may interpret the questions.  Information obtained using the mock candidate(s) will also allow you to make any necessary adjustments to the questions and rating guide to reduce bias, misinterpretation, and other potential problems.

Educate panel members about the questions, rating guide, and interview process prior to the first interview.  Ensure they know how to score candidates’ responses and allow them to ask questions and receive clarification about terminology or rating information.  Point out where in the rating guide notes are to be taken, and how to mark elements covered by candidates’ responses.  A&I-HRD recommends written instructions for interview panel members.

Two other important items related to the interview panel members include:

  1. Choose between two and five panel members who have in-depth knowledge of the position for which candidates are interviewing.  Ideally, at least one member would have participated in the interview development process.  If this is not possible, members should at least be intimately familiar with the requirements of the position.  Having between two and five members reduces the likelihood of common interviewing errors and provides a manageable number of ratings to discuss.  Also, having members with diverse backgrounds or perspectives can help ensure more valid and balanced interview scores.

  2. Use the same panel members for all candidates and assign specific questions to each panel member.  Part of the structure and objectivity of the interview process involves consistency across candidates.  This includes ensuring all candidates are asked the same questions in the same order by the same interviewers.  Using the same panel members for all interviews increases the likelihood of consistent ratings.  If this is not feasible, we advise that someone review the ratings to determine if substitute raters scored candidates differently (e.g., if one rater is consistently more or less lenient than another).

Step 6.  When the interview process is concluded, review all of the information gathered in a fair and objective way.

Like the previous step, this may seem obvious.  However, it is easy to gather a lot of detailed information throughout the interview process, and then ignore it in favor of “a gut instinct.”  Try to base your decisions upon what each candidate said in response to each question.  Compare candidates’ responses to those elements listed in the rating guide.  Avoid the temptation to compare candidates to one other.  Here’s why:

If the interview process is challenged by a candidate, a strong defense is to demonstrate the fairness and objectivity of your process.  A comparison of candidates’ responses to the rating criteria is more objective than comparing candidates to one another.

When making the final decision about whom to hire, most hiring supervisors consider how well a candidate would fit into the existing team of workers.  While this consideration may be proper, if you first consider the more objective information and then allow other factors to break ties between candidates who give similar performances in the interview, you are more likely to make a sound hiring decision.

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