The knowledge, skill and ability to use
computers and software applications (i.e. MS Office)
efficiently. Possesses basic understanding of computer
programs and other applications that are associated with
computers and performing work tasks. The ability to
self-teach (i.e. to learn arbitrary new programs or tasks as
they are encountered). |
Behavioral Descriptions
Proficiency Level 5
Word Processing
Use word processing software, such as Microsoft Word or
WordPerfect, to set default options, customize toolbars
and menus, create cross references, and work with
endnotes and footnotes.
Create tables of contents and compile and update
Create, run, and edit macros to combine commands and
automate complex series of tasks.
Use spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel, to
develop complex spreadsheets with macros, multiple math
functions, advanced filters, and links to external
sources of information.
Create custom toolbars and chart types, and use data
analysis tools.
Use database software, such as Microsoft Access, to
develop complex databases with macros or modules.
Design and enhance applications, use advanced tools and
controls, protect and replicate databases, and control
data entry.
Proficiency Level 4
Word Processing
Use word processing software, such as Microsoft Word or
WordPerfect, to create, format, and edit tables,
columns, and charts.
and edit web pages and work with hyperlinks.
Create forms using templates, work with form fields, and
format and enhance forms.
Import data, sort table data, and perform calculations
in tables.
Insert and format sections, create headers and footers,
and work with pictures and draw objects.
Use spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel, to
create and manipulate large or complex spreadsheets, use
complex mathematical formulas to calculate data, and
link worksheets.
Import data from other sources, filter lists, and create
and format charts and graphs.
Use database software, such as Microsoft Access, to
design and create databases containing table
relationships and lookup fields.
Use sub-datasheets and sub-forms, and export data.
Create and apply advanced filters and queries.
Use presentation
software, such as PowerPoint, to create advanced
Sample work:
inserting sound and motion clip files, hyperlinks, and
action buttons; importing data; and, creating and
customizing charts and tables.
Use desktop publishing software, such as Adobe
PageMaker, Microsoft Publisher, Quark Express, or
CorelDraw, to produce advanced publications.
Sample work: creating multiple master pages, creating
and formatting tables, creating and exporting PDF
documents, and setting up hyperlinks.
Graphic Design
Use graphic design
software, such as FreeHand, In-Design, or PhotoShop, to
perform advanced graphic design and editing functions.
Sample work:
isolating image areas, retouching photos, creating
animations, and creating image maps for the web using
file size considerations.
Web Page
Use web page design software, such as FrontPage, to
develop sophisticated web sites with navigation bars,
cascading style sheets, nested files, and/or time
sensitive information.
Sample work: using marquees, hover buttons, page
transitions, sounds, and DHTML animation.
Proficiency Level 3

Word Processing
Use word processing software, such as Microsoft Word or
WordPerfect, to create, format, edit, preview, print,
and save documents. Use standard functions to select,
edit, copy, paste, format, and spell check text.
mail merge to create form letters, modify merged
documents, and merge envelopes and labels.
Create bulleted and numbered lists, indent and align
paragraphs, and use bordering and shading features.
Typing -
Typing speed:
Typing speed, accounting for errors. 10-key pad:
Accurately use the ten-key numerical keypad on a
computer or adding machine to enter numerical data by
Electronic Mail &
Internet Skills
Electronic mail: Compose,
send, and respond to electronic mail. Utilize e-mail
program functions such as calendars and meeting
Internet: Navigate the
internet to find and download information. Conduct
basic internet research. Familiar with multiple
internet search engines.
Use spreadsheet software, such as Microsoft Excel, to
create, modify, print, and format spreadsheets, find and
replace data, and work with basic formulas and
Use templates, styles, AutoFormats, and multiple
Use database software, such as Microsoft Access, to
create template-based databases and design simple
tables, queries, data entry forms, and/or reports.
Import data from other sources, sort records by multiple
fields, find records, run simple queries, and filter by
Presentation Software
Use presentation software, such as PowerPoint, to
create, format, edit, and run slide shows.
Sample work: integrating text with graphics, motions,
and sounds; and, previewing and printing slides, speaker
notes, and handouts.
Desktop Publishing
Use desktop publishing software, such as Adobe
PageMaker, Microsoft Publisher, Quark Express, or
CorelDraw, to produce basic publications.
Sample work: importing and manipulating text and
graphics, using formatting styles, creating templates,
printing proofs, and creating address lists.
Graphic Design
Use graphic design software, such as FreeHand,
In-Design, or PhotoShop, to design, create, and/or edit
Sample work: applying various effects and textures,
adjusting brightness and saturation of images, and
creating composite images by manipulating layers.
Web Page
Use web page design software, such as FrontPage, to
design and create web pages.
Sample work: customizing themes, creating special
effects, inserting and cropping images, creating and
editing hyperlinks, and publishing and maintaining web
Proficiency Level 2

Proficiency Level 1

Suggested Activities for Development

Recommended Courses

Additional Resource

Behavioral-Based Interviewing Questions
